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Save Our Children Documentary

Save Our Children Documentary is a compelling and impactful ​film dedicated to exposing the harsh realities of child ​exploitation and abuse. This documentary serves as a powerful ​tool to raise awareness, educate the public, and inspire action ​to protect the most vulnerable among us. Through a series of ​poignant narratives and expert insights, the film highlights ​the urgent need for collective efforts to safeguard our ​children. Key themes and focus areas include:

-Awareness: Bringing to light the hidden and pervasive issue of ​child exploitation.

-Prevention: Showcasing effective strategies and measures to ​prevent abuse and exploitation.

-Survivor Stories: Sharing powerful testimonies from ​survivors to humanize the issue and inspire change.

-Advocacy: Encouraging communities and leaders to take a ​stand and advocate for stronger protections and support ​systems.

-Global Perspective: Addressing child exploitation as a global ​issue, fostering international collaboration and solutions.

Join us in this critical mission to protect our children. Watch ​the documentary, spread the word, and become part of a global ​movement dedicated to ending child exploitation and abuse. ​Together, we can make a difference.




The Cast


James Lindsay

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Sarah Smith

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Logan Lancing

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Casey Peterson

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Jennifer Mcwilliams

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Lisa Logan

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Ramona Goolsby

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Be​n Luna

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Leanna Derrick

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Please pray the film will reach all who can still be reached. Thank you!

With your generous support, we are able to create films like this and awaken Americans nationwide.

Support the Film

Contact Us

Contact or More info: Paul Spencer

+1 (505) 287-0156


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